Platinum Hot Tub Movers, LLC

Platinum Hot Tub Movers Shares Tips to Protect Hot Tubs from Summer Heat
Monday, July 22nd 2024, 3:15 PM

5 Ways Summer Heat Wrecks Your Hot Tub

Jefferson, United States - July 22, 2024 / Simpleman Digital Marketing /

BUFORD, GA—Hot tub moving company, Platinum Hot Tub Movers has published a blog post titled "5 Ways Summer Heat Wrecks Your Hot Tub." This timely article provides valuable insights into the detrimental effects of summer heat on hot tubs and offers practical solutions to protect these luxury items from damage.

Chemical Imbalance

The blog post emphasizes that hot tubs rely on a delicate balance of chemicals to maintain clean and sanitized water. High summer temperatures can accelerate the breakdown of chlorine and bromine, leaving hot tubs vulnerable to bacteria and algae growth. Increased water temperatures also lead to faster off-gassing, further reducing the effectiveness of sanitizers.

Platinum Hot Tub Movers recommends testing hot tub water regularly during the summer and adjusting sanitizer levels as needed. Using a stabilizer can also help prevent the breakdown of chlorine and bromine caused by UV rays and high temperatures.

Algae Growth

Warm, stagnant water creates an ideal breeding ground for algae. The blog post explains that algae spores are constantly present in the air and can quickly multiply in hot tubs with high temperatures and reduced sanitizer effectiveness. Regularly shocking the hot tub and maintaining proper sanitizer levels are essential steps to prevent algae growth.  The company advises hot tub owners to keep their water circulating and filtered to remove algae spores and debris, ensuring a clean and safe soaking experience.

UV Damage

Prolonged exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can seriously damage hot tubs. The blog post details how UV rays can fade and crack hot tub shells and covers, compromising their functionality and aesthetics. Investing in a high-quality, UV-resistant cover and positioning the hot tub in a shaded area can help mitigate these effects.  Additionally, some manufacturers offer UV protectant sprays that can be applied to the hot tub shell for added defense against sun damage.

Cover Damage

Hot tub covers play a crucial role in protecting the water from debris and conserving energy by retaining heat. However, summer heat can cause covers to deteriorate, leading to increased water evaporation and debris accumulation. Regular inspections and prompt repairs are necessary to maintain the cover's effectiveness.  Platinum Hot Tub Movers suggests using a UV-resistant cover and considering a replacement if the cover shows significant signs of wear and tear.

Increased Evaporation

The blog post explains that summer heat accelerates water evaporation from hot tubs, necessitating more frequent refills. This can disrupt the chemical balance and lead to mineral buildup, which reduces the efficiency and aesthetics of the hot tub. Minimizing unnecessary heat loss by keeping the hot tub covered and lowering the water temperature slightly during the summer can help manage evaporation.

Consider a Hot Tub Relocation

While proper maintenance can mitigate the effects of summer heat on hot tubs, relocating the hot tub to a shaded area may provide a more permanent solution, offering several advantages such as reduced water evaporation, slower chemical breakdown, and extended lifespan.

By following the tips outlined in their latest blog post and considering a strategic relocation, hot tub owners can enjoy a cool, clean, and refreshing experience all summer long. For those who are looking for a hot tub moving service in Buford, Georgia, Platinum Hot Tub Movers is the name to trust.

About Platinum Hot Tub Movers

Located 37 minutes from Buford City Hall, Platinum Hot Tub Movers is a family-owned business specializing in the delivery, relocation, and disposal of hot tubs and swim spas. Serving Buford, GA, and the surrounding areas, the company is dedicated to providing the highest level of service with professionalism, safety standards, and customer satisfaction as top priorities.  Readers interested in learning more about Platinum Hot Tub Movers are encouraged to check out the company’s article on the advantages of summer hot tub relocations.

Contact Information:

Platinum Hot Tub Movers, LLC

170 Carriage Way
Jefferson, GA 30549
United States

Reid Bailey
(678) 679-7016

Original Source:

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We offer the fastest and most efficient deliveries of tubs than any of our competitors at the lowest price.


Reid Bailey
Platinum Hot Tub Movers, LLC

170 Carriage Way
Jefferson, GA, 30549, United States


Phone (678) 679-7016


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